Steele Baptist Church3811 Pope Ave
Steele, Alabama 35987
Phone 256-538-6612
Fax 256-538-6612
We welcome Rev. Danny Freeman as our Interim Pastor. We also welcome his wife Vicky. Bro. Danny has preached several times for us and will begin serving as our Interim Pastor Sunday, February 16. If you don't have a church family where you are serving our Lord, please come worship with our church family at Steele Baptist Church.
Wednesday, February 12, 6:30-7:45 PM ages 4 years-4th Grade will enjoy a Valentine Party, "Snow One Loves You Like Jesus!" There will be lots of fun, games, and a Valentine treat to take home! Don't forget to invite a friend who doesn't go to church somewhere else to come with you. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Grades 5-6 and Youth will have their usual Bible study and activities.
There is an ongoing worldwide crisis of starvation and hunger. On Sunday, February 16, we will receive an offering that goes 100% to minister to hungry people in the name of Jesus. Administrative costs come from other sources. The offering is distributed through associational ministries in Alabama and the Southern Baptist Convention's North American Mission Board and International Mission Board. The offering funds hunger ministries throughout Alabama, the United States, and worldwide. Your gifts can be received throughout the month.
At 9:15 AM we have Nursery care, Sunday School classes for children, and small group Bible study for Preteen, Youth and adults. Come to the church office on the ground floor of the Educational Building and someone will direct you to your classroom.
At 10:30 AM we meet for corporate worship. In addition to worship in the sanctuary, the service is broadcast in the church parking lot on radio station WSBC 90.5 FM. Nursery care is available, and Children's Worship for PreK-3rd grade students is held in the Educational Building. The worship service is live streamed on our church Facebook page and on YouTube. The services are also archived on these platforms We welcome you to worship with us in any of these ways.
Wednesday night activities begin at 6:00 PM when Children, Preteens, and Youth enjoy the playground, GaGa ball, and the volleyball/badminton court. Food is served for everyone from 6:30-6:50 PM in the Fellowship Hall, then everyone breaks into age groups. Adults and Youth meet for Bible study. Children and Preteens have Bible study and other activities. If you need to ride the church van, please call the church at (256)538-6612 and talk with the Church Secretary or leave a message.
Our Church Office is open 8:00 AM-2:00 PM Monday-Thursday (closed for lunch 11:00-Noon). Penny Malesko is our Church Secretary and the church phone number is (256)538-6612. If you call and don't reach the secretary, please leave a message.